Gym Hockey News
The season starts this Saturday, 9/14/19. Schedule is:
9:30 am Bryan’s Pals vs A-1/Zume’s
10:30 am. Duce 2. Vs. MPTA
Harvest on Vine Food Pantry
The Harvest on Vine Food Pantry is requesting boxes of cereal this week. Any donation of non-perishable foods that you could make would also be greatly appreciated.
Donations can be dropped off at the Food Pantry at 49 Vine St. (Hayes Square), The Cooperative Bank at 201 Main St. and at the Parish Center on 46 Winthrop St. (across from the Training Field). Financial donations can be sent to: Harvest on Vine, Parish Center, 46 Winthrop St., Charlestown, MA 02129. For more information, call Tom MacDonald, director, at 617-990-7314.
St. Mary – St. Catherine of Siena Recovery Month Mass
September is Recovery Month. A Mass will be offered on Sunday, September 15, at 6PM at St. Mary Church, 55 Warren Street for those in Recovery, those struggling with addiction, those who have lost their lives in the struggle, and for all of their loved ones. All are Welcome!
Cheeseburger Day at Zelma Lacey House
On Wednesday, September 18, 2019 from 12-2:00 p.m., in honor of National Cheeseburger Day, Zelma Lacey House residents, guests, staff members, family and friends are invited to tour our community and receive a tasty cheeseburger. Zelma Lacey House is located at 9 West School Street. For more information, contact: Tabitha Jones by calling 617-241-0328 or e mail, [email protected].