•Warren-Prescott School Dates:
*September 26: School Orientation Night, 5:30 p.m.
*September 26: School Site Council Elections, 6 p.m.
*Oct. 9: School Site Council, 6 p.m.
•Harvard-Kent School Dates:
*Sept.19 – OPEN HOUSE from 5-7 p.m.
*Sept. 24 – Monthly Parents Meeting (School Library), 6 p.m. Parents meet at Brewer’s Fork afterward, 7:30 p.m.
•BPDA Chat with a Planner
Members of the BPDA planning team will be available at the Charlestown Branch of the Boston Public Library to answer any questions you may have about the future of Charlestown or the
planning process. Feel free to stop by at any time.
Where: Charlestown Public Library, 179 Main St.
When: Tuesday, September 17, 4-6 p.m.
•Abutters Meeting for 24-26 Elm St (RESCHEDULED DATE)
What: A meeting to discuss a proposal to change the occupancy from a four-family to a three-family dwelling, Also, to renovate the building, including a rear addition.
Where: 24-26 Elm St.
When: Thursday, Sept. 12, 6 p.m.
•Abutters Meeting for 60-66 Cambridge St.
What: A meeting to discuss a proposal to increase existing open-air parking lot license (OPAIR-78695) from 193 vehicles to 431 vehicles and demo existing warehouse.
Where: Schrafft’s Center Cafeteria, 529 Main St.
When: Monday, September 16, 6 p.m.
•Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing
What: Regularly scheduled ZBA public hearing where community members can offer testimony on appeal cases before the Board of Appeals. A full copy & description of variances sought can be obtained in the office of the Board of Appeal, 1010 Massachusetts Avenue, 4th Floor, any weekday between 8am-4pm with the exception of legal holidays. Find the City of Boston’s public notices databases here.
Charlestown Applicants:
*When: Tuesday, September 10, 9:30 a.m.
Where: Boston City Hall Room 801, 1 City Hall Square, Boston
Proposal: 34-36 Belmont St.
*When: Thursday, September 19, 5 p.m.
Where: Zoning Board of Appeals, 1010 Mass Ave., Boston
Proposals: 8-14 Monument Ave.
•How to Report a Problem Property
Since taking office in 2014, Mayor Walsh has made fixing quality of life issues a priority in his administration. From investing in Public Works to making sure community policing is a staple in every neighborhood, we are making sure every neighborhood is clean, safe and a great place to live and work in. Unfortunately some properties in Boston need more help than others, and that’s why we are here. If you know of a property that fits one of the following criteria: multiple calls to 911, one that’s blighted or just a general concern, we encourage you to reach out to your neighborhood liaison.