Mayor Martin Walsh and Veterans Affairs Commissioner Francisco Urena attend the Battle of Bunker Hill Commemorative Exercises in Charlestown on Tuesday, June 17. Children from the Warren Prescott School are seen here performing a musical medley.
Month: June 2014
Harrington Elected ‘Mayor of Charlestown’
The Townie Association had a very busy Bunker Hill Day weekend. On Friday, June 13th, Charlestown elected the 2014 Mayor of Charlestown, Kelliegh Harrington and said thank you to 17th Mayor of Charlestown, Shannon Lundin at the annual Night Before…
SJC Allows Casino Question on State Ballot in November
The statewide group that is trying to repeal the Massachusetts expanded gaming legislation scored a major victory Tuesday when the Supreme Judicial Court ruled in favor of allowing a casino repeal referendum question on November’s statewide ballot. The ruling will…
BRA Approves Ropewalk Project
Last Thursday, the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) board voted to approve the $34 million Ropewalk project at the Charlestown Navy Yard. The board also voted to extend the designation of Frontier Enterprises, Inc. as the project developer. Frontier Enterprises, Inc.,…
CNC to Meet on 463 Rutherford Ave.
The Charlestown Neighborhood Council Development Committee will hear a presentation by Bruce Daniels of 463 Rutherford LLC with respect to the proposed development at 463 Rutherford Avenue (corner of Rutherford Avenue and Baldwin Street). The meeting will be held on…
The SJC Ruling
Tuesday’s decision by the Supreme Judiclal Court ordering that the question of whether Massachusetts can issue licenses for casino gambling must be placed before the voters for a referendum in November is one of seismic proportions, with the epicenter situated…
Townie Tidbits
ANOTHER PARADE IS HISTORY Well, I had a great time at the Bunker Hill Day Parade on Father’s Day. It seems like a great twofer. One time the parade was almost never held on Father’s Day when it actually took…
Bunker Hill Day
Thousands of people lined the streets of Charlestown to celebrate Bunker Hill Day on Sunday, June 15. Here, Color Guard Eric Morin of the Westbrook Fife and Drum Corps unfurls his flag in preparation for marching through the parade route.
Freedom Trail Gets A Makeover
While Charlestown celebrated the Bunker Hill Day and all the history that goes along with it, the city of Boston scheduled a much needed upgrade for the Freedom Trail. Mayor Martin Walsh announced that $50,000 will be spent to replace…
Deadline Extended: Additional 14 Days Available For Surrounding Community Agreement
The City of Boston and Wynn Everett will have another week to sort out a surrounding community agreement or face arbitration. On Monday the Massachusetts Gaming Commission granted the city one more week after the deadline to come to a…