Category: News

Wu to Host Town Hall Tonight

Special to the Patriot-Bridge There will be a Charlestown Town Hall, hosted by Mayor Wu, tonight, Thursday, October 17, at 5:30 p.m. in the Charlestown High School Auditorium. The town hall will center on the City’s Residential Tax Relief Proposal,…

King Richard’s Faire

The New England Renaissance Festival Special to the Patriot-Bridge Thou art most welcome! The 43rd annual King Richard’s Faire, New England’s largest and longest-running Renaissance festival now open until October 20. Faire hours are 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. each…

News Briefs

Ward Two Democratic Committee to hold quarterly meeting Ward Two Democratic State Committee will be hosting its quarterly meeting at the Charlestown Public Library, located at 179 Main St Charlestown, MA 02129 at 5:30pm on October 31. Any questions please contact Jay O’Brien at [email protected].…