Author: Patriot-Bridge Staff

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is the ultimate family-centered holiday. Thanksgiving has no religious connotations, no national-celebration connotations, and no required gift-giving. It asks nothing more from each of us than just showing up (other than for the person who is doing all the…

Flip Those Pancakes

THE CRANKY COOKS: Showing a little Townie consideration for one another in the kitchen are volunteer cooks Lisa Collins, Bob McLean, and Bob McGoff. The three worked hard all morning long to keep pancakes cooking on the griddle for the…

Townie Tidbits

GIVING THANKS AND HELPING OTHERS  Isn›t the above the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Families gathering together for what they have and who they love. It is truly the sharing of life with others In Charlestown, a number of years ago,…

Letter to the Editor

Takes issue with column Dear Editor: I am a resident of Charlestown and a regular reader of the Patriot Bridge. I’d like to respond to Sal Giarratani’s Townie Tidbits column of 10/7/16. It bothered me when I read it, and…