Month: July 2015

Police Briefs 07-09-2015

Charlestown Beat POLICE/COMMUNITY MEETING: Meet the police & discuss public safety issues on the last Wednesday of every month at the police station, 20 Vine Street, at 6:00 p.m., 2nd floor, community room. POLICE RELATED INFO: Contact the District A-1…

Townie Tidbits

REDEVELOPING THE  BUNKER HILL PROJECTS INTO SOMETHING BETTER I read recently where the Boston Housing Authority is trying to get some market-rate housing added to a plan to interest developers into rehabbing the 41 three-story buildings. The BHA is facing…

Letter to the Editor

Thank you Dear President FitzPatrick, I would like to thank you and the Charlestown Schoolboys Committee on allowing me to be fortunate enough to receive a Schoolboy Scholarship. This money is going to be extremely helpful as I go into…

Townie Tidbits

“CHARLESTOWN LIVE!” SIGNS OFF Charlestown Live! has signed off BNN-TV. It’s last show was this past Thursday, June 25. After nine years and 475 episodes, the show now goes into the Charlestown history book. When it began, it was immediately…