Bob and Carol Sweeney, in cooperation with James W. Conway Bunker Hill Post 26, the American Legion are inviting all their old and new friends to a family-style Thanksgiving Day dinner on Thursday, Nov. 26, at the American Legion Hall, 23 Adams St. at the corner of Chestnut Street.
This is the 19th year that it has been held at the James W. Conway Bunker Hill Post 26, American Legion Hall.
Prior to 1992, the dinner was held at Sweeney’s restaurant on Bunker Hill Street, and it has always been a great success. It has provided joy and togetherness for local residents who have no family, are estranged from them or live too far away to join with them to share Thanksgiving dinner. This special dinner at the Legion Hall will help them share the tradition and spirit of Thanksgiving.
Again this year, not only will the Sweeney’s, the members of Bunker Hill Post and friendly volunteers be serving dinner beginning at noon at the Legion hall, but they will also be delivering meals to shut-ins unable to get to the hall.
If you know of anyone who will be spending Thanksgiving alone at home, please contact Bob Sweeney at 781-438-3584 or Debbie Lang at 617-242-3878 by Tuesday, Nov. 23, to make arrangements to join the gathering or to have a meal delivered to a shut-in, courtesy of the Sweeneys and Post 26.
Willing workers are needed on Wednesday evening, Nov. 24, at 6 p.m. at the Legion Hall to peal and pare vegetables stuff turkeys and set tables. (Please bring utensils with you to pare and cut the vegetables).
Also, on Thanksgiving Day, workers will be needed to finish preparing the food, welcome guests and deliver the meals beginning at about 11:30 a.m.
It will be a great Thanksgiving, as you give your time to make it a special day for others.