Category: Editorials

Bunker Hill Day 2012

If we contemporize Bunker Hill Day, this is to say, if we bring that day of valor and sacrifice up to the present moment and try to describe it properly, well, several possibilities abound. First, when we look back on…

Memorial Day, Again

Memorial Day has again come and gone and with it, the growing sense, we believe, that the holiday is experiencing a significant rebirth as Americans come to understand more clearly and in deeply personal ways, the sacrifices being made by…

Memorial Day 2012

The long weekend for those of us living safely throughout the nation is much more than that for all of us. Whether we recognize and feel the intensity of the Memorial Day holiday or not, whether we  understand what sacrifice…

Losing 1 Million Pounds

Mayor Thomas Menino has committed his administration to leading the fight against obesity by pledging to do his best to have Bostonians collectively lose 1 million pounds this year. At first blush, the entire notion of such an effort seems…

Father Mahoney

Father Daniel Mahoney, the former chair of the Life Focus Center (LFC) felt he had to make the very tough decision this week of asking the LFC board  for the resignation of Jack Millerick as director of the LFC. When…

Rep. Gene O’Flaherty

News that our representative Gene O’Flaherty may be stepping down from his chairmanship of the House Judiciary Committee caught many by surprise. After all, O’Flaherty tends to be a steady Eddy, so to speak. But when his feathers are ruffled…