Month: September 2023

Anarchy in Congress

Imagine if a foreign government or some terrorist group were to hack into the U.S. government’s computers and bring all of its operations to a halt. Everyone in the country would be outraged. That is the scenario we are facing…

Letters to the Editor

Scholarship Recipient Extends Gratitude to Charlestown Schoolgirls To the Editor, Thank you so much to the Charlestown Schoolgirls for selecting me to receive the Helen Joan Potter Peneau Memorial Scholarship and the Mimi Wrenn Scholarship. I am so grateful to…

Success at Weatherfest!

Special to the Patriot-Bridge Well over a hundred children and adults passed through Gardens for Charlestown on Sunday morning, September 17, for the second biennial Weatherfest! event. Designed as a fun, family-friendly educational event for all ages, Weatherfest featured the Mobile…