Parents and leaders at the Warren Prescott K-8 joined to celebrate the school’s receiving of the first-ever Perry Prize, awarded to science teacher extraordinaire, Ms. Tina Champagne.
The event was a first of its kind for the school and the city. It was created by “e” inc. – the environment science learning and action center — to honor a special science teacher who embodies “the caring and excitement needed to imbue our city’s children with a love of science.”
Through the efforts of Mr. Scott Perry, the Perry Prize is now an exciting way that schools can gain extra funds for special science projects, or new microscopes, added science books, or special investigation stations – whatever can support or enhance the wining science teachers’ needs.
“e” inc. a 17-year-old non-profit-science organization, is the brainchild of Dr. Ricky Stern. “e” inc. works across the city providing the science of the planet and the skills to make a difference in up to 13-day schools, 23 after-schools and recently, six teen teams.
“Since its start, “e” inc. has added dynamic science staff to Greater Boston’s schools, involving learners in wanting to know more! We want children and youth to understand, and care about the science that drives our planet. Our job to light a fire in each child’s mind so young people want to understand and then stand up to protect our One-of-a-kind Planet.”
What will Ms. Champagne and her students investigate next? We’ll be watching to see what they dive into soon.
Congratulations to Principal Michelle Davis, to Mr. Scott Perry and to Science Award recipient Ms. Tina Champagne for a job well done!