Charlestown Schoolboys Banquet Set for May 15
The banquet for the Charlestown Schoolboys its scheduled for Sunday, May 15 starting at 4:00 p.m. The location will be the Knights of Columbus on Medford Street.
The awards ceremony for the scholarship recipients will be held on Monday, May 9 at 6:00 p.m.
For additional information, please do not hesitate to t call Jim O’Brien at 617-543-5384.
Wu to Open Swan Boats April 16
Mayor Michelle Wu, the Boston Parks and Recreation Department, and the Paget family will host the first ride of the season on the popular Boston Swan Boats as they open at the Boston Public Garden lagoon on Saturday, April 16, at 10 a.m.
2022 marks the 145th season for the Swan Boats, a beloved tourist attraction and iconic symbol of Boston and the Public Garden. The oldest and smallest boat in the fleet just celebrated its 112th season, while the newest was launched in 1993. The swan on the boats is made from either copper or fiberglass, depending on the age of the boat, and encloses a paddle mechanism that is used to propel the boat through the water.
Launched in 1877 by Irish immigrant and shipbuilder Robert Paget, the Swan Boats continue to be owned and operated by the Paget family. Mr. Paget designed the Swan Boats after attending the opera Lohengrin in New York City. At the end of the opera, the hero crosses a river in a boat drawn by a swan.
Fully loaded, each Swan Boat weighs three tons and is powered by the driver using a foot propelled paddle wheel. The Swan Boats are built on oak-framed pontoons sheathed in copper just as they were initially constructed in 1877. After being stored in a safe place for the winter, the boats will return to the Public Garden Lagoon in the spring with Mayor Wu celebrating the first ride of the season.
Department of Public Utilities Raises Awareness of Safe Digging Practices
In recognition of April as Dig Safe Awareness Month, the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) is joining with other states and utility companies around the country to remind excavators, contractors, and residents to dig safely and call 811 before starting any outdoor digging projects. 811 is the line for “Dig Safe,” which is a nonprofit organization that notifies gas, electric, telephone, and cable companies about the intended digging project. At no cost to the excavator, professional locators visit the requested dig site to mark the approximate locations of underground utility lines with flags, spray paint, or both.
For more information about 811 and safe digging practices, the public is encouraged to visit or
A Night of Laughs
A night of laughs will certainly be on store for a fun evening featuring some of Boston’s funniest comedians, hosted by Charlestown’s own Tony V on June 3 at 7:30 p.m. . Tickets are $100 per person and all monies raised will support the Charlestown Working Theater’s programs. So enjoy a night out.The program will be held at 442 Bunker Hill Street..
For more information, please contact Kristin at [email protected]