In collaboration with the Eastern States Exposition, the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) announced the annual opening of the Massachusetts State Exposition Building during the “Big E” fair. This year, the 2021 “Big E” Fair will through Sunday, October 3. The Massachusetts State Exposition Building is one of six original statehouse replicas representing each of the New England states that are located on the Eastern States Exposition fairgrounds’ “Avenue of States.” The mission of the Massachusetts building is to showcase Massachusetts agriculture, culture, commerce, and tourism through informational, educational, promotional, and retail exhibits. Additionally, in 2019, the Massachusetts States Exposition Building celebrated its 100-year anniversary.
“Following a year off due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are especially excited to celebrate the Big E fair and showcase much of what makes the Commonwealth so special,” said Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Commissioner John Lebeaux. “Importantly, the public will be able to visit the Massachusetts Building, which is open for business and happy to provide everyone with a sampling of Massachusetts’ agriculture, culture, tourism and commerce sectors.”
Attendees of the 2021 “Big E” fair can visit over 30 vendors including small business owners, agricultural commodity groups, commercial vendors, and state organizations located within the Massachusetts Building. Visitors can also expect to find a wide variety of products, including clam chowder, apples, Finnish pancakes, honey, chili, fruit, maple syrup, candles, soaps, chocolate, jewelry, photography, dips, lobster rolls, kettle corn, smoothies, sandwiches, ice cream, and more.
“We are delighted to welcome back The Big E, New England’s premier agricultural fair since 1919,” said Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism Executive Director Keiko Orrall. “As the largest event of its kind on the East Coast, this iconic event attracts a strong drive-market of visitors from the New England and Mid-Atlantic states in particular. The Big E provides a tangible economic boost to our tourism industry and gives visitors yet another reason to visit Massachusetts.”
Special days for the Massachusetts Building will include Military Day on Friday, September 17, 2021, Massachusetts Day on Thursday, September 23, and Harvest New England Day on Friday, October 1 .