•Warren-Prescott School Dates:
School has been canceled for the remainder of the year.
•Harvard-Kent School Dates:
School has been canceled for the remainder of the year.
Boston Public Schools:
Free breakfast and lunch will be provided throughout the school closure.
Meal Distribution sites in Charlestown and the North End:
•Charlestown High School -240 Medford St, 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
•Kennedy Center – 55 Bunker Hill St, 8 a.m. – noon
•BCYF Nazzaro – 30 N Bennet St. (North End), 9 a.m. – noon
From the May 14, Ways & Means Budget Working Session, Via Zoom online:
•10 a.m. Environment Department, including the Conservation Commission (ConCom). This hearing will also cover the Environment Department revolving fund.
•Noon – The focus of this hearing is the Landmarks Commission.
•2 p.m. – This hearing will also cover the Parkman Fund and the Parks revolving fund.
From the May 14 Zoning Advisory Board, 5 p.m., via WebEx meeting:
•56 Green Street Applicant: Isamu Kanda
Purpose: Add rear dormer, rebuild existing 2nd floor deck, interior renovation, add full sprinkler system.
•16 Hill St. Applicant: Isamu Kanda
Purpose: Touching exterior roofline to enlarge front + rear dormers. Interior remodel of 1st fl kitchen/living & 3rd fl master bedroom suite. Structural header above 1st fl to widen existing openings. Structural header at 3rd floor to remove existing chimney below 3rd fl.
From the May 15, 10 a.m., Council Committee on Government Operations, Online Via Zoom: Order for a Hearing to Explore Preparation for the Upcoming 2020 Elections in September and November.
This matter was sponsored by Councilor Matt O’Malley and was referred to the Committee on April 15, 2020.
From the May 15, 10 a.m.,Council Committee on Small Business and Workforce Development, Online Via Zoom: Order for a hearing to discuss the impact of delivery commission fees on restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic. This matter was sponsored by Councilors Michael Flaherty, Ed Flynn, and Matt O’Malley and was referred to the Committee on April 29, 2020.
From the May 18 Ways & Means Budget Working Session, Via Zoom online:
11 a.m. – The focus of this working session is Department of Innovation & Technology (DoIT), Inspectional Services (ISD), Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA), and the PEG Access Fund.
• How to a Report a Problem Property
Since taking office in 2014, Mayor Walsh has made fixing quality of life issues a priority in his administration. From investing in Public Works to making sure community policing is a staple in every neighborhood, we are making sure every neighborhood is clean, safe and a great place to live and work in. Unfortunately some properties in Boston need more help than others, and that’s why we are here. If you know of a property that fits one of the following criteria: multiple calls to 911, one that’s blighted or just a general concern, we encourage you to reach out to your neighborhood liaison.