While most at the Rutherford/Sullivan Square meetings have focused on the streets, sidewalks and other ways to move people, one of the aspects of PLAN Charlestown will be to plan for the land in between those streets and sidewalks.
Ted Schwartzberg of the Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA) was at the transportation meeting on Tuesday and indicated that part of the upcoming planning process in Charlestown will be focusing on the newly created lots on the Square.
“We’ll be starting the PLAN Charlestown process, or the Master Plan, whatever you want to call it, and these parcels will be one of the central questions in that process,” he said.
There are three, very large developable lots on the new Square and a very large connecting park between the future Hood Green and the existing Ryan Playground. The three lots are fairly squared off, more toward Sullivan Station, and surrounded by roads and sidewalks.
“These guys are the transportation experts, and they are planning for the streets and sidewalks,” said Schwartzberg. “We will be planning for everything in between.”
That planning process is currently in the “input” phase and will begin officially in January.
Meanwhile, the Boston Parks Department will initiate a Master Plan process for the parklands along the Rutherford/Sullivan Corridor – both present and future. They will be considering the large, upcoming Hood Green, the new Charlestown Common and changes to the existing, and enlarged, Ryan Playground.
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