Last week on Beacon Hill was all about who ended up on what committees, and Sen. Sal DiDomenico said this week he was very happy with the assignments he has received from President Karen Spilka.
When DiDomenico mounted his own campaign for senate president, the unsuccessful attempt could have ended in him traveling down the ladder of senate leadership, but that hasn’t been the case at all.
“I’m happy with all of the committees and the chairmanship I have, and I am still in leadership as an assistant majority leader, which is really important,” he said. “President Spilka gave me everything I asked for and I’m grateful for that.”
As assistant majority leader, DiDomencio will be assured a seat once again on the president’s leadership team, helping to guide and direct the progress of the body.
However, he also took a step up in gaining a chairmanship on an important committee.
He was appointed as Chair of the important Bills in Third Reading Committee. That committee oversees the progress of any legislation in the senate and has sway over the last reading (Third Reading) of legislation before it either does or does not proceed to a vote.
DiDomenico was also named as Vice Chair of the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee, which is charged with examining the impacts of Federal government changes and working with our partners to assist our Commonwealth. “It is an honor to be appointed as Assistant Majority Leader and to several other leadership positions in the Senate,” said DiDomenico. “I want to thank President Spilka for her trust and confidence. I look forward to serving on her team and working with my colleagues to move the Senate forward this session.”