By Seth Daniel
Bids have gone out for the short-term off-site traffic improvements that Wynn Boston Harbor is required to complete before it opens its doors in 2019, with contracts on the project likely to be awarded in the next few weeks.
Wynn officials told the Massachusetts Gaming Commission that they are working towards the completion of bids for Sullivan Square and other off-site improvements – including traffic improvements in Everett, Medford and Revere. While the other improvements are on a similar track, the Sullivan Square work is on a completely different track due to the fact that they are interim measures, and are tied to the much larger long-term effort being directed regionally by the state Department of Transportation.
“During the second quarter of 2017, significant progress was made in furthering the design documents to the 100-percent stage, and incorporating comments from agency reviews into the final construction packages for the roadway work,” read a letter to the MGC. “Wynn intends to issue bids in July and August 2017 for all roadway work. Local permitting required by the City of Boston Public Improvements Commission (PIC) and the City of Everett, as well as access permits for MassDOT, DCR, Massport, and MBTA, are anticipated to be obtained concurrently with the final design plans.”
In fact, for the Sullivan Square work, Wynn Boston Harbor reported that they received approval from the Public Improvements Commission (PIC) and the Boston Transportation Department (BTD) – two agencies that at one time were severely opposed to the Wynn applications – last month in late July.
The improvements that were initially agreed to in 2015 for short-term improvements included hooking Sullivan Square into the BTD Command Center camera network, installing two dedicated right turn lanes off of the I-93 ramp, a light for Spice/Cambridge Street for the D Street access to Rutherford Avenue, improvements to sidewalks/pedestrian access, straightening out the intersection at Main Street with new landscaping, beautifying the middle of Sullivan Square, improve lighting/streetscape areas and reconfiguring the bus depot/T Station.
Within the station project, the station would be reconfigured to have buses circulate in a clockwise fashion that would have them crossing Maffa Way to get to the upper levels.
Wynn reported that it has also been participating in the regional Lower Mystic Regional Working Group with many partners to help identify a long-term solution to the entire corridor.
Construction on the off-site improvements, dubbed the Mystic Mile campaign earlier this year, was expected to being earlier in the summer, but will get off the ground in late summer or early fall.