Thank you for coverage
Dear Editor:
I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to both Seth Daniels and Sal Giarratani at the Patriot Bridge who not only wrote some pretty remarkable stuff in the last two weeks’ editions about the work I do as both a recovery coach and DJ in the community, but also allowing me the opportunity to discuss the opiate epidemic surrounding us lately.
Yes, it most certainly has been the toughest year of my entire life with not only having one brother (James) suffering a crippling stroke and the other (Charlestown’s other DJ Kevin) being diagnosed with terminal Stage 4 brain cancer…all this while losing my 24 year old son to this horrible disease of addiction just a few short months ago, I must say that it has also been one of the most rewarding years, as well with all the work going on in this community on issues regarding addiction and trauma. Working very closely with CSAC, CHAD and now the Patriot Bridge, it has given us the ability to spread awareness so that no other parent has to suffer the same fate that, unfortunately, some of us have. I can’t begin to tell you how humbling it was to be mentioned alongside some of my idols past and present (Peter Looney, Billy Boyle) in your articles. Both have left their mark on this proud Town and some of us are now joining them in trying to make a difference (even a small one) to make this Town we love even a better place to live in than it already is. Angels and heroes walk among us every day doing some great stuff behind the scenes for no other reasons than pride and love. The list is too long to mention. It’s remarkable to see how some other new local organizations share our passion and are gladly there to lend a hand in our efforts.
We are all in this fight together!
Once again, thank you Seth, Sal, Joe and everyone at the Patriot Bridge for the extremely kind and humbling words….but this is what we are SUPPOSED to do – to help one another!
Hope to see everyone at Eden Street for our Fall Festival, The Monument and the Training Field on Halloween day as our teens from the Turn It Around campaign will join forces in making this holiday one of the best ones ever. And stay tuned for some more exciting events we have planned.
Michael “Smokey” Cain