As part of its celebration of Advent and Christmas, Saint John’s Episcopal Church will offer a Candlelight Lessons and Carols Service on Saturday, December 20th at 5 pm. In a church aglow with candlelight, readings of scripture will be interspersed with choral anthems and carols sung by the congregation. The service at Saint John’s will include readings and music from both the Advent and Christmas season. Anthems will be offered by the choir of St. John’s, under the leadership Choirmaster Douglas N. Witte. This year’s service will also feature the Children’s Choir, directed by Nancy Armstrong.
A festive reception will follow the service in the Parish Hall.
Saint John’s Church is located at 27 Devens Street in Charlestown. The doors of the church will be open at 4:30, and childcare for infants young children will be provided throughout the service. For more information, contact the church office at 617-242-1272, or visit the church website: