Clean-Up Day at Historic Phipps Street Burying Ground will be held this Saturday on May 4 at 10:00 a.m. The event is sponsored by the Charlestown Preservation Society.
The Phipps Street Burying Ground is one of seven of Boston’s 17th Century cemeteries and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Founded in the early decades of the 1600’s, the Burying Ground is acknowledged as an important cultural resource which is permanently locked and open only upon request. The Charlestown Preservation Society annually gains admittance for a clean-up day in May during Preservation Month. This Saturday, CPS invites its members and the public to participate in this effort and enjoy rare access to the burying-ground. Weeding Warriors, Power Pruners and Mulch Movers are also needed to help beautify Preservation Park, the gateway to our community in Thompson Square, at the same time.
Following the cleanup, intuitive consultant MaryLee Trettenero will discuss how she has been using local historic sites in her spiritual investigations and share some of her discoveries.
Please join us on May 4 at 10 a.m. in helping to maintain these important community sites. Tools and trash bags will be provided but feel free to bring your own gardening tools and gloves.