The MGH Charlestown Healthcare Center has begun a new monthly series on health for teens! This week we talked about “mindful eating.” A stepping stone into healthy eating, mindful eating is simply being aware of your food choice—enjoying the taste and understanding why you have chosen that particular food.
There are many factors that influence our food choices. Availability, convenience, and price can impact your choice. Other factors include fitness/health goals, emotional state, and cultural influence.
Media and image undoubtedly influence our awareness of certain foods. When asked about foods advertised in the Superbowl, the teens were able to list nearly every promoted snack and soda choice. In comparison, when asked what they ate for dinner the night before, they had little recollection of their nightly meal.
Overall, the teens felt that becoming mindful in the day-to-day food choices we face is a challenge well worth the investment. The message from the Charlestown teens was to “eat smart” to move beyond mindless eating to become more mindful of our food choices.
All Charlestown teens are welcome to join us at our next event on March 8th at 4 p.m. in the 2nd floor conference room at the MGH Charlestown Healthcare Center. Join us then for our teen health jeopardy challenge!
For more information please contact Eileen McAdams at (617) 724-8202.