Last week, Senator DiDomenico joined colleagues and advocates to highlight the importance of his Cover All Kids bill during the coalition’s advocacy day at the State House. Approximately 40,000 children and young adults under age 21 who meet eligibility criteria…
Month: January 2024
Councilor Coletta Tapped To Chair Powerful Committees
Special to the Patriot-Bridge Boston City Councilor Gabriela Coletta was named Chair of the Boston City Council’s Government Operations and Environmental Justice, Resiliency, and Parks Committee at the Boston City Council meeting on Wednesday, January 24. “I’m honored to serve…
Repairs to Sullivan Square Underpass Are Underway: Presentation Made at CNC Committee Meeting
City Engineer Para M. Jayasinghe of the Boston Public Works Department made a presentation about the Sullivan Square Underpass project at the Jan. 18 Charlestown Neighborhood Council’s Basic Committee meeting. Repairs to the underpass began on Jan. 2, 2024 and…
Discussion Continues on 425 Medford Street
By Michael Coughlin Jr. On Tuesday evening, the Flatley Company, the proponents of a proposed development that would bring lab, residential, hotel space, and significant public realm upgrades to the site of the old Domino Sugar Refinery at 425 Medford…
CNC Meeting Dates
CNC General Meeting, Tuesday, February 6, 2024, The Charlestown Neighborhood Council will hold an in-person, public meeting on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, 7-9 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus, 545 Medford Street, Charlestown. Please bring your questions and neighborhood concerns to the meeting or email us at Check…
News Briefs
BWSC Offers Tips To Prevent Frozen Pipes As Sustained Cold Spell Sets In With the recent cold spell and more nighttime temperatures well below freezing to come this winter season, Boston Water and Sewer Commission (BWSC) is reminding people that…
Biden-Harris Administration Announces $2.5 Million Grant for More Electric-Vehicle Charging Network
The Biden-Harris Administration last week announced a $2.5 million grant to the Town of Deerfield, Massachusetts to fund two publicly accessible EV charging sites. The award is one of 47 projects in 22 states and Puerto Rico selected to receive…
Protecting Individuals With Dementia From Wandering During the Winter
To help families protect their loved ones with dementia from the potential dangers of wandering in cold winter areas, where frigid temperatures, snow, and ice create additional safety risks, the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) is providing four tips dementia…
Emerald Necklace Conservancy To Start a New Tree-Pruning Cycle Across Entire Park System
This month, the Emerald Necklace Conservancy is working with Bartlett Tree Experts to care for over 500 trees throughout Olmsted Park, beginning the second seven-year tree pruning cycle across the entire Emerald Necklace park system. The work will take place…
Coastal Storm Team Assesses Recent Storm Damage
The Massachusetts Rapid Response Coastal Storm Damage Assessment Team (Storm Team) was activated for the January 10 and 13 storms. The Storm Team is a network of 58 state, federal, and local agency personnel—led by the Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM)…