Category: Editorials

Letter to the Editor

‘Laughter Heals’ Comedy Night set for Nov. 7 To the Editor, My wife, Maribeth McKenzie, started the Maura Wilkins Foundation last year. Since then, the foundation has been able to provide funding for numerous individuals with alcohol and substance abuse addictions…

We Need to Ban Styrofoam

While on the subject of harmful chemicals and substances in our environment, we’d like to take the opportunity to commend the efforts of Revere City Councilor Joanne McKenna for ensuring that the city’s ordinance banning the use of single-use styrofoam…

Letter to the Editor

Tom MacDonald and the Charlestown Harvest on Vine Food Pantry Dear Editor, As a longtime Charlestown resident, I had no idea that we had a food pantry in our community much less that it’s been in existence for the past…

Remembering 9/11

For anyone who is old enough to remember September 11, 2001, all of us know exactly where we were and what we were doing when we heard the terrible news. For this generation of Americans, that day was as memorable…