The development project at 40 Warren Street Thursday evening meeting attracted more than 100 people.
Half appeared to be in favor of the development project and half appeared to be against it.
The developer of the project seeks to turn the garage into a mix of commercial and residential housing and parking and he is seeking to raise the height of the structure by 23 feet to 58 feet.
This has caused unhappiness for some of those abutting the property who claim their view will be ruined when the height of the building is raised.
Also, despite proper and timely advertising, some abutters claimed they knew nothing about the development.
The outcome of the debate Thursday evening before the Development Committee of the Charlestown Neighborhood Council was a split vote. So the motion to support the project failed. Therefore the CNC cannot take a position in favor or against and will inform the Zoning Board of Appeals of its decision.
Mark Rosenshein, Chair of the Development Committee allowed both sides to air their differences and he was praised for doing so by many of those in attendance.