Special to the Patriot-Bridge
Boston City Councilor Gabriela Coletta and Councilor-At-Large Michael Flaherty will host a hearing to discuss the digitization and tracking of parking regulations in the City of Boston on Tuesday, July 11, at 10am in the Iannella Chamber, Fifth Floor of Boston City Hall.
“My office has received multiple calls from residents requesting greater parking enforcement funding. Our neighborhoods have a high level of density with small parking spaces per unit, making a solid enforcement system imperative to ensure that all of our residents can rely on on-street parking near their homes,” said Councilor Coletta. “Boston Transportation Department (BTD) staff is currently tracking parking regulations based on institutional knowledge with no modernized internal system to assist them. By exploring the digitization and tracking of parking regulations, we can modernize our internal systems, create a pathway for efficient constituent services, and foster greater quality of life for residents.”
The Councilors seek to bring together city workers, administration members, and Boston residents to work collaboratively to bring a new modernized parking enforcement system that helps with the quality of life and boosts efficiency in constituent services.
“Establishing a digitized tracking system to show where and what parking regulations are enforced across the city will positively affect the lives of our residents and visitors. Home health aides, physical therapists, hospice workers and loved ones taking care of a sick relative need the ability to park without having to additionally worry about being ticketed or towed. A digitized parking system could be the answer to a better, more compassionate way of regulating our parking within city limits. I look forward to this very important discussion which I hope will lead to a better parking system for residents and visitors alike,” said Councilor-At-Large Michael Flaherty.
Highlights of the Order Include:
“WHEREAS, BTD currently relies on institutional knowledge of parking enforcement officers to recognize parking regulations in respective neighborhoods. There is no tracking system or geographic information system (GiS) mapping tool that defines what regulations are where which negatively impacts both residents and BTD employees; and
WHEREAS, Consistent parking enforcement heavily relies on a structural understanding of where and what parking laws are being implemented, appropriate staffing of enforcement officers, and efficient route development; and
WHEREAS, While BTD is currently experiencing understaffing, establishing a tracking system that allows the department to see gaps in service can ensure that residents who live in high density areas can safely and reliably find parking near their homes; and
WHEREAS, Investment in digital tools that are easy to navigate can make it more efficient for residents and city workers to access information, request services, sign up for alerts, and enforce parking regulations; and”
The hearing will be held under the Committee on City Services and Innovation Technology, chaired by Councilor Brian Worrell. Members of the public are encouraged to provide written or oral comments.