News Briefs

Free Activities at the USS Constitution Museum

During this winter vacation week there are some free activities going on at the USS Constitution Museum. The LEGO® Maritime Festival, is happening now through Sunday, February 26th. “Shipbuilders” of all ages have been joining in a community build or designing a vessel of their own in the Museum. Builders can let their imagination set sail! Participants are encouraged to enter their ship in the USS Constitution Museum’s LEGO® Ship Shape Competition when it is complete. Looking for inspiration? Check out the 43rd Annual USS Constitution Model Shipwright Guild’s show and the photo exhibit LIFE AT SEA: 2022, featuring the photography of seafarers at work, both in their final weeks. All activities and exhibits are free with Museum admission (suggested donation).

Charlestown Dogs’ Clean Sweep Set for Feb. 25

Charlestown Dogs will sponsor a  Clean Sweep on Saturday, Feb. 25, at 10 a.m.. with participants meeting at the Monument steps.

The Clean Sweep will involve Charlestown residents gathering together for the distribution of pickup tools, bags, gloves, and other supplies, before fanning out across the neighborhood to pick up any and all sorts of street debris. Dogs are welcome.

Michael P. Quinn Dinner Dance Returns April 1

Michael P. Quinn’s mission of assisting the talents youth of our beloved town has been made possible by your continued support.

Preparations are now underway for the 54th  annual Michael P. Quinn Dinner Dance on Saturday, April 1, at the Bunker Hill Knights of Columbus Hall, 545 Medford St. in Charlestown.

The 2022 Quinn Scholar, Elle M Woods, will be saluted during the Dinner Dance. Elle is  a 2022 graduate of Boston Latin School who is matriculating at Northeastern University, Bouve College of Nursing.

The program book will be dedicated to John A “Jack” Whelan, who passed away on July 12, 2022. Jack was a legendary Townie who gave much for the betterment of the community. Commanding Brigadier General Kyle B Ellison, Marine Corps, War fighting Laboratory/Futures Directorate, Vice Chief, Officer of Naval Research, will be the featured speaker.

The evening meal will be prepared by Sandra McLaughlin, and entertainment provided by Alan La Bella. Tickets are $ 50 and can be purchased by writing to P.O. Box 290216,  Charlestown, MA, 02129; emailing; or calling Ronan at 617-242-5493.

Old Charlestown Schoolboys Association Announces Scholarships

The Old Charlestown Schoolboys Association has announced that a number of scholarships are available to any Charlestown schoolboy who: is a senior in high school; is a resident of Charlestown; and will be entering college or preparatory or technical school or will be entering the sophomore, junior or senior year in that school.

Applications are available from the Charlestown Branch of the Boston Public Library, the Boys & Girls Club, St. Mary/St. Catherine of Sienna offices, and the St. Francis de Sales office.

Applications must be received no later than March 24.

If you have any questions, call James O’Brien at 617-543-5384.

MWRA To Temporarily Shut Down Fluoride System

Starting in late February, the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority will be replacing portions of the equipment that feeds fluoride into its drinking water. During this period, MWRA will not be adding fluoride to the water. This work is expected to take about three months to complete.

MWRA has worked closely with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health on this issue. While fluoride is important for dental health, health officials believe that this short-term shut down will not pose any risk to dental health and will not require any special action by consumers.

If you have any concerns, check with your dental care provider. For more information on your drinking water, please visit or call MWRA at 617-242-7283.

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