It’s time to get serious about slipping through the intersection during the initial seconds of a red light, or punching out a quick text while behind the wheel, at least according to Mayor Martin Walsh – who announced in his State of the City speech on Tuesday, Jan. 7, that he is asking the Boston Police brass to implement enhanced traffic enforcement.
Traffic enforcement has been a top-of-the list concern for many residents in Charlestown and other areas of the city for the past several years. There has been a consistent request for enforcement at City Square and Sullivan Square to prevent commuters from “blocking the box.” Likewise, speeding on many of Charlestown’s side streets has been an issue for three or four years.
However, the resources for enforcement are hard to come by.
In Walsh’s speech last Tuesday, he indicated that may not be the case for long.
“Since launching our safety plan, we’ve cut fatalities on our roads by half,” said the mayor. “But one death or injury is too many. And it only takes a few bad drivers to put lives at risk or cause gridlock on our streets.
“What I hear in every neighborhood is the need for more enforcement,” he continued. “And I agree. The speeding, the texting behind the wheel, blocking lanes and intersections—enough is enough. This year, I am directing the Boston Police and Transportation Departments to work together and implement a plan to strengthen traffic enforcement in our city. We’re going to make our streets work better for everyone.”
The Boston Police or Boston Transportation did not immediately have a comment on the new directive.