The MBTA Fiscal and Management Control Board (FMCB) voted on May 6 to approve 36 near-term changes to several bus routes, including the 92 route that runs through Charlestown to Haymarket.
The change to the 93 bus route, which would cut out a loop trip to the Navy Yard, was not approved.
The 92 route changes would include cutting off the Assembly Row run that takes place at certain times of the day, and is quite popular with elderly riders.
MBTA officials said transit to Assembly Row can be achieved, instead, by transferring at Sullivan to the Orange Line. They also cited previously that ridership on the route from Sullivan to Assembly was very low.
The plan is to re-focus existing resources on the current route to run more reliable and more frequent service along Main Street between Sullivan and Haymarket.
The approved package includes 27 of the original 47 proposals that were released in January for public input, as well as nine proposals with modifications based on community input.
Over the winter, the program collected 3,500 discrete comments on the original 47 near-term proposals to update and modernize existing bus service. Over six weeks of intensive public engagement, the MBTA had more than 2,500 in-person interactions across about 75 meetings, briefings, and street teams.
The majority of the FMCB approved changes will be implemented in the Fall of 2019 and Winter of 2020, with a few additional changes occurring later pending continued coordination with outside public and private entities. Remaining changes that still require working with external partners with be implemented once improvements are made.