The Friends of the Charlestown Branch Library will be hosting a presentation by author Lynne Byall Benson on her new book “Moxie and a Good Sense of Balance: Nancy Drew and the Power of the Teenage Girl.” It is free and open to all including a book-signing and reception on Thursday, March 28, at 6 p.m. Stop by the branch library to see Charlestown’s own Lynne Byall
Benson present her recently published book.
Nancy Drew is over 80 years old now. She first saved the day way back on April 28, 1930, and has been investigating crimes and besting interlopers who she sets her sights on. She tackles complicated mysteries and has endured more than eight decades now.
This literary character’s portrayal has changed over time and stays relevant to ever-changing social norms.
Nancy Drew has always had plenty of moxie and continues to offer girls the role model of a young independent woman. She’s still relevant in the 21st century.
I attended the South Boston Parade Banquet over at the South Boston Convention Center last Friday and met up with the Deputy Mayor of Letterkenny, who is also a member of the Donegal County Council. A few years back over at the Knights in Charlestown, I was photographed with the Mayor of Charlestown over in County Mayo. So the count is two photos with Irish Mayors and no photos with mayors from Italy. My mother must be happy up in heaven knowing that.
News that Memorial Hall’s future seems much brighter after Mayor Marty Walsh and the Community Preservation Committee recommended $ 500,000 to help the with exterior restoration of this building. I am sure that both Joe (Zuffante) and Stan (Leonard) were elated to hear this good news. Their ongoing hard work in making the building better is greatly appreciated, since it represents one little piece of Charlestown’s history.
As Joe stated, “It been more than 40 years since this building had any serious attention, and it shows, but we’re about to rectify that.” The City Council is about to make the final vote on the money, and when this happens, it will be a big score for Charlestown and the Hall.