On DeLeo’s Greenworks Proposal
To the editor:
Speaker DeLeo’s billion-dollar GreenWorks proposal could offer much-needed support to Winthrop, other coastal towns, and all the Commonwealth’s communities as we face greater extremes of tides and weather. But as with any local distribution of grants, the details will matter. Will GreenWorks primarily help towns shore up their own local resilience to climate change? Or will the grants support reductions in carbon emissions that will mitigate the larger problem? Unless we stop adding more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, adaptation will inevitably fall short.
So Mr. Speaker, as your GreenWorks plan advances through the House, why not also support the 100 percent Renewable Energy bill? Let’s address our local needs but also make sure we are doing our part as global citizens to reduce our overall carbon emissions. Full carbon neutrality as quickly as possible is the only sensible response to this urgent problem.
Brent WhelanAllston, Mass.