News Briefs

The 39th Annual Monument Square Halloween Trick or Treat

We are preparing our 39th Annual Monument Square Hal­loween Trick or Treat for Thurs­day, October 31st, 2024 at 5:00 at the Bunker Hill Monument Steps at the Top of Monument Avenue.

This years’ theme is “Harry Potter” however the Monument Square area streets will be filled with ghosts, princesses, pirates and many other characters. Be creative, and remember this event is focused on the children. Trick or Treaters of all ages are welcome.

Our policy is to not promote outside of Charlestown since we all strive for a neighbor-to-neigh­bor event, which builds our com­munity fabric. Please enjoy your­self, and remember your neighbors make this event possible, through their kindness and generosity. We encourage other neighborhoods to use our model to create their own safe, fun and memorable holiday for all ages. Every child deserves to have a safe neighborhood and a Happy Halloween.

Please decorate your home if you are in the Monument Square/ Training Field/ Monument Ave­nue area. Please bring candy to neighbors in these areas because they run out. Throughout Charles­town, Halloween is a time to make our community festive.

Please bring a donation, canned goods, cereal and other food items for Harvest on Vine, Charles­town’s Food Pantry, at the Mon­ument. The need to address food insecurity in Charlestown is real. Your donations will make a differ­ence.

We are grateful for our part­nerships with Superintendent Michael Creasey and the National Park Service, Mayor Wu and the City of Boston, the Charlestown Mothers Association, The Bunker Hill Mall, The Cambridge Sav­ings Bank, Massport, Diversified Auto, Dovetail and Brewers Fork, DUNKIN’, Whole Foods, Frank Celeste. First Church, Michael and Kathy Litel, DC Beane, Charles­town Marina, “E” Inc, Logan House, Bunker Hill Associates, Our Beloved Wizard Jim Duane, Paul Revere/ Michale Le Page, Lydia Jane Anderson, Jay Farra­her, and many more supporters.

We are blessed by all the gener­ous neighbors in Charlestown who open their doors to our trick-or-treaters and the remarkable volun­teers who make this event possible by committing their energy and their time.

Come in costume, come for the fun, and arrive at 5:00 PM at the Monument Steps at the top of Monument Avenue for a Happy Halloween!

Diane Valle, Chair

39th Annual Monument Square Halloween Trick or Treat

Free Storefront Lighting Workshop

LIGHT Boston is offering a free lighting workshop on Tuesday, October 29 from 6 pm to 8 pm to help neighborhoods enhance the storefronts of their retail districts. The intent is to support local busi­nesses and to energize the night time economy. Improved light­ing will attract more customers and contribute to a safe and wel­coming neighborhood.

If you are a shop or restaurant owner, landlord, business alliance, or are advocating for improve­ments to your community’s shop­ping district, please join us.

For more more information and to register visit lightboston-store­

LIGHT Boston is a non-profit organization founded in 1996 by a group of volunteers recognizing the need for a citizen’s advocacy group with respect to responsi­ble exterior lighting in the City of Boston. By advocating for illu­mination as a vital component of urban design, LIGHT Boston seeks to encourage interest, under­standing, and appreciation of the city’s unique historic and cultural heritage. With responsible exterior illumination at the forefront of the city’s consciousness, LIGHT Bos­ton believes positive impacts will follow. Our mission: Advocate. Educate. Illuminate.

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