CNC Basic Services Committee Meeting, Monday, May 23, 7 pm
The Charlestown Neighborhood Council’s Basic Services Committee will hold an in-person, public meeting on Tuesday, May 23rd from 7-9 p.m. in the Meeting Room at MGH – Building 114, Charlestown Navy Yard. Agenda: Review the Proposed Relocation of Cycle Boat Boston operations from Charlestown Marina to Dry Dock 2 in the Navy Yard. Abutters and other interested parties are encouraged to attend.
Meeting/Event Updates: Council meetings are listed and updated on the CNC calendar, Our general and committee meetings are open to the public – so residents do not need an invitation to attend and are not required to RSVP or reserve a space. However, if you would like to receive a calendar invitation for an event and email updates with important meeting updates, then just click an event’s ‘Add to Calendar’ button and provide your email address.
As always, please bring your neighborhood questions, concerns, and suggestions to our monthly general meeting. The next General Meeting will be Tuesday, June 6, 2023. Contact us anytime at [email protected] and find updates on We look forward to seeing you all soon!