For The Record

•Warren Prescott School Dates:

*November 11: Veterans’ Day : No School

*November 13: School Site Council Meeting

*November 16: BPS School Showcase

*November 19: WP School Preview 

*November 27: Early Release (12:40 p.m.)/Spirit Day

*November 28-29: Thanksgiving Recess : No School

•Harvard Kent School Dates:

*Nov. 5 – 3rd annual Election Day Bake Sale. To volunteer, please email [email protected].

*Nov. 26 – Harvard Kent Parents Association Meeting, 6 p.m.

•Eliot School Summer Camp 2020 Fair

The Eliot School is hosting a Summer Camp Fair for families in the Boston area to attend to sort through the many camp choices for summer 2020.

When: Thursday Nov. 7, 6 – 7:30 p.m.

Where: Eliot Upper School, 585 Commercial St., North End, Boston

 • Charlestown Neighborhood Council

Monthly meeting of the Charlestown Neighborhood Council. The CNC works to inform neighborhood stakeholders and government agencies on issues in the community. PLEASE NOTE: THIS MEETING HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED AND RELOCATED DUE TO ELECTION DAY.

Where: BPD Community Room, 20 Vine St.

When: Thursday, November 7, 7 p.m.

•Abutters Meeting for 10 Austin St.

A meeting to discuss a proposal to build a roof deck on an existing rubber roof.

Where: 10 Austin St.

When: Thursday, Nov. 14, 6 p.m.

•From the Nov. 7 Public Improvement Commission meeting:

On a petition by RECP V 40 Warren Owner LLC for the Discontinuance of any and all rights to travel the public may have had within the following public ways in Charlestown:  Warren Street – on its southwesterly side at address no. 40, northwest of Henley Street; Henley Street – on its northerly side west of Warren Street. On a petition by RECP V 40 Warren Owner LLC for the Vertical Discontinuance of portions of the following public ways in Charlestown, vertically above the grades of the sidewalks: Warren Street – on its southwesterly side at address no. 40, northwest of Henley Street; Henley Street – on its northerly side west of Warren Street. On a petition by RECP V 40 Warren Owner LLC for the making of Specific Repairs within the following public ways in Charlestown, consisting of curb and sidewalk reconstruction, as well as the removal of a driveway curb cut: Warren Street – on its southwesterly side at address no. 40, northwest of Henley Street; Henley Street – on its northerly side west of Warren Street. On a petition by RECP V 40 Warren Owner LLC for the granting of a Projection License for the installation of retail signage and canopies over portions of the following public ways in Charlestown: Warren Street – on its southwesterly side at address no. 40, northwest of Henley Street; Henley Street – on its northerly side west of Warren Street.

•City of Boston Intergenerational Homeshare Kick Off

The City’s Housing iLab and the Age Strong Commission are hosting a kick-off event for intergenerational homeshare. This initiative seeks to bring new affordable units to Boston by connecting older adults with spare rooms with renters looking for affordable housing. In addition to increasing affordable housing in the city, intergenerational homeshare creates opportunities for different generations to learn from one another.

 Where: Boston Public Library Central, Commonwealth Salon, 700 Boylston St, Back Bay.

When: Friday, Nov. 8, 10 – 11:30 a.m.


Since taking office in 2014, Mayor Walsh has made fixing quality of life issues a priority in his administration. From investing in Public Works to making sure community policing is a staple in every neighborhood, we are making sure every neighborhood is clean, safe and a great place to live and work in. Unfortunately some properties in Boston need more help than others, and that’s why we are here. If you know of a property that fits one of the following criteria: multiple calls to 911, one that’s blighted or just a general concern, we encourage you to reach out to your neighborhood liaison.

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