Mayor Martin Walsh and Police Commissioner Willie Gross will join the community at the Warren Tavern for a very special edition of Coffee with a Cop on Wednesday, Oct. 23.
Kim Mahoney of the Warren Tavern said they are very happy to host the event and encourage residents to come down to the Tavern for a calm and informal conversation with both City leaders.
“That’s a great thing because it’s important for them both to come and hear from the community, their concerns and public safety issues,” she said. “It’s informal. It’s coffee. They will be there to answer any questions they can answer, and hear anything people need to express. They’re coming to listen and that’s the purpose.”
She said if the weather is agreeable, they hope to have the event on the street outside the Tavern. Additionally, the Harvard-Kent Elementary students will be there to welcome both to the Town.
“The Warren Tavern is happy to host this for the community, and it is a special time to have them both here,” she said. “The Commissioner hasn’t been here since he was sworn in, and it’s been awhile. Charlestown has been on his radar since his swearing in though.”
The event will be on Wednesday, Oct. 23, from 9-10 a.m. at the Tavern.