The Harvest on Vine Food Pantry this week is requesting boxes of cereal and mac and cheese, two items that empty the shelves fast. Any donation of any non-perishable foods that you could make would also be greatly appreciated.Donations can be dropped off at the Food Pantry at 49 Vine St. (Hayes Square), The Cooperative Bank at 201 Main St. and at the Parish Center on 46 Winthrop St. (across from the Training Field). Financial donations can be sent to: Harvest on Vine, Parish Center, 46 Winthrop St., Charlestown, MA 02129. For more information, call Tom MacDonald, director, at 617-990-7314.
September 8, in City Square Park, Art in the Park will be held, for the 20th year, from 10:00 until 5:30 p.m. Events include music from the students of Charlestown High School, Henna Artist, hand blown glass vessels, turned wooden bowls and many painters and jewelry artists and other artisans. Rain date will be September 9th.
The Mark and Michelle Gorman Scholarship Fund is pleased to announce that it will be awarding $8000 in scholarships to eligible Charlestown students for the 2018 – 2019 school year. This year 7 scholarships will be awarded, 1 to a girl and 1 to a boy, in each of the following categories: preschool – 8th grade; High School; and College or participation in a higher education or vocational program. There will also be a special scholarship awarded this year in memory of Boston Police Lt. George M. Collier. Eligible candidates must be Charlestown residents or players in our annual tournament. Children of tournament donors are also eligible to be entered in the drawing for the scholarships. Students in private and/or Catholic schools are eligible for these awards as well as children paying tuition at other programs.To apply for a scholarship, please write the student’s name, address, phone number, school, and grade on a 3×5 index card. Completed cards should be dropped off during our annual cornhole tournament at Memorial Hall on Green Street, which will be held on September 8, from 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. PLEASE NOTE THE NEW TIME AND LOCATION!Winners will be chosen in a lottery and all scholarship awards will be given directly to the school that the winner is enrolled in. September 8th is the only day that the committee will accept names of candidates. Only one index card per child will be accepted. Index cards must be 3×5. All funds raised will go to support our scholarship program. We hope that you will join us and celebrate the lives and memories of Mark and Michelle Gorman.
After a month’s vacation, Charlestown & Beyond, Charlestown’s own TV Show on Boston Cable’s BNN-TV, will return on Thursday, September 6, at 6:30 p.m. on BNN channel 9, RCN channel 15 and Verizon channel 1961. The program is repeated on Thursday at 11:30 p.m., Saturday at 9 a.m. and Sunday at 5 p.m. It can also be seen on Youtube at Charlestown and Beyond and Facebook at Charlestown &Beyond.This special edition of Charlestown & Beyond will travel over to South Boston as they celebrate the 200th Anniversary of St. Augustine’s Cemetery this September. Why is this of interest to Charlestown? When Irish immigrants came to the shores of Boston, including Charlestown, they were not welcome, even to the point of not being allowed to be buried in public cemeteries. The Catholic Archdiocese at the time answered this need by opening this cemetery at which many Charlestown natives are buried. If you’re an historian or interested in checking your Irish heritage, this show will be of great interest to you. Guests will include Rev. Robert Casey, formerly stationed at St. Mary’s Parish, BU Professor of History and member of the South Boston Historical Society Robert Allen and Ambassador Ray Flynn, former Mayor of Boston. Mark your calendar and tune in.
You can reach host Kathy “Cookie” Giordano at [email protected] or 617-447-1406 and leave a message with your name and phone number.
- Sept. 4 – Back to School Bash, noon – 2 p.m.: Enjoy food from Reynaldo’s Pizza Truck, meet your child’s new homeroom teacher and catch up with friends.
•Sept. 5– Teddy Bear Tea, 9:30-10:30 a.m.: Special event for incoming K1 and K2 students. Meet the teacher and see your classroom, while listening to a story with a furry friend from home.
•Sept. 6– First Day of School: Students in Grades 1 – 8.
•Sept. 11– First Day of School: Students in K0, K1 and K2.
We will be giving out team jerseys and the 2018/2019 schedule: Sunday, Sept. 9, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Mishawam Community Roomat, 95 Dunstable St. If you cannot make it on that date, call Debbie Lent (617-241-0434) to make other arrangements. If you missed the original registration day and your child would like to play, you can register on this date. Ages are 4 years old to 9 years old. Anyone who turns 10 years old before Feb. 1, 2019.
The RMH Boston Harbor in the Charlestown Navy Yard is looking for donations of the following items: king and queen sheet sets, Brother ink – black (LC3029BKXXL) and color (LC3029CMY), copy paper, paper plates, trash bags, individual hand soap pumps, Ziplock bags – gallon, K-Cup coffee assorted, Lysol disinfectant spray, Clorox wipes, Swiffer Sweeper wet mopping pads, toasters, and vacuums.
Donations can be mailed to the office or dropped off during office hours M-F 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Sat and Sun 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.. The address is: Ronald McDonald House Boston Harbor, 250 First Avenue, Apt. 318, Charlestown, MA 02129.
The Harvest on Vine Food Pantry this week is requesting boxes of cereal and mac and cheese, two items that empty the shelves fast. Any donation on non-perishable foods that you could make would also be greatly appreciated.
Donations can be dropped off at the Food Pantry at 49 Vine St. (Hayes Square), The Cooperative Bank at 201 Main St. and at the Parish Center on 46 Winthrop St. (across from the Training Field). Financial donations can be sent to: Harvest on Vine, Parish Center, 46 Winthrop St., Charlestown, MA 02129. For more information, call Tom MacDonald, director, at 617-990-7314.
John F. Kennedy Family Service Center, is proud to announce its first annual Golf Tournament at the Nahant Golf Club in Nahant on Friday, Sept. 7! Register Now to play as a single golfer, a pair, or a foursome. Interest levels are high so register early as space is limited.
Not a golfer? Come for dinner. Join us from 4:30-5:30 p.m. for cocktails and take in the beautiful views. Enjoy music and get a sneak peek at all of the raffle and auction items. A delicious dinner buffet will be prepared by John Moore, owner of the Navy Yard Bistro and starts at 5:30 p.m., with plenty of seating capacity to accommodate all of the Kennedy Center’s supporters!Call for more information on attending dinner only! Contact Crystal Galvin 617-241-8866 ext. 1352 or email to: [email protected].
The Charlestown Lions Club is continuing to collect glasses and glass cases at the Charlestown Co-operative Bank. The bank has a collection box on one of their tables year around.
Jack Duffy, Lions Club Treasurer, recently turned in 275 glasses and 102 eye-glass cases to be checked and repaired and then distributed to the needy.The Co-operative Bank is very generous in providing a place to donate glasses all year around as well as providing a collection space for coats for kids in the fall of each year.. The Lions Club would like to thank everyone who donated items and Tom Coots of the Cooperative Bank for being so helpful.
Thanks also to the Charlestown Patriot-Bridge for printing articles on the Lions Club’s activities all year long.