Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon
05/14/13 – A victim reports when he and a friend were walking on Constitution Road at about 12:30 a.m., five males approached them and began making derogatory statements.
The males then pushed the victim to the ground and began to punch and kick him. Officers on scene stopped a car that contained all of the suspects trying to leave the area.
Two of the individuals were identified as the aggressors and placed under arrest.
05/14/13 – As a result of an ongoing drug investigation in the Bunker Hill housing development, an individual was placed under arrest and charged with possession of heroin.
Assault and Battery
05/16/13 – A victim reported while he was outside his workplace on Bunker Hill Street having a cigarette, a white male approached him complaining about the cigarette.
The victim felt threatened and attempted to call the police when the suspect slapped the phone from his hand and began to punch him in the face. The suspect then fled the scene.
Cameras on the building might have caught the incident.
Possession of Dangerous Weapon
05/18/13 – As a result of a drug investigation on Maffa Way, an individual was placed under arrest for possession of a dangerous weapon – a knife with an automatic spring release device.
05/18/13 – As a result of the same drug investigation on Maffa Way, four individuals were placed under arrest for possession of a Class B substance with intent to distribute.