02/21/11 – Larceny in a Building
A victim reported that, while at the YMCA on Third Avenue someone broke into her locker and took a handbag containing money, keys and personal papers
02/22/11 – Breaking and Entering, non-residence
A victim reported that, while at the YMCA on Third Avenue, she observed a female carrying a bag similar to the one she had placed in her locker. Upon checking her locker she saw her bag was missing. Staff was notified and police were called.as a result of the investigation a female was placed under arrest for the theft. A male suspect was also identified. Detectives are investigating.
02/23/11 – Vandalism
Officers responded to Tibbetts Town Way for a report of shots fired. Officers spoke to victim who stated while walking away from his car he heard about three shots. Officers observed a small hole in the rear driver’s side window of the victim’s car. A description of a possible suspect vehicle was given.
02/23/11 – Warrant Arrest
Officers on Dunstable Street placed an individual under arrest for an outstanding Cambridge Court default warrant.
02/24/11 – Warrant Arrest
Officers on Dunstable Street placed an individual under arrest for a Charlestown Court warrant of apprehension.