Author: Patriot-Bridge Staff

Police Briefs 02-04-2016

CHARLESTOWN BEAT POLICE/COMMUNITY MEETING: Meet the police & discuss public safety issues on the last Wednesday of every month at the police station, 20 Vine Street, at 6:00 p.m., 2nd floor, community room. POLICE RELATED INFO: Contact the District A-1…

Townie Tidbits

By Sal Giarratani JIM BRETT HONORED BY USS CONSTITUTION MUSEUM  Former state Rep. Jim Brett, D-Dorchester and president CEO of the New England Council was recently honored by the USS Constitution Museum in Charlestown for his many good works to…

Key Role for Sal

When Councilor Sal LaMattina was named vice chair of the Boston City Council Ways and Means Committee last month, little did we realize then that maybe his appointment came just in the nick of time for Charlestown. The waste transfer…