The annual softball tournament to benefit the The Mark and Michelle Gorman Scholarship Fund will be held on Sptemeber 6. The Gorman Scholarship Committee are pleased to announce that they will be awarding $4500 in scholarships to eligible Charlestown students for the 2014 – 2015 school year.
This year six scholarships will be awarded, one to a girl and one to a boy, in each of the following categories: preschool – 8th grade; High School; and College or participation in a higher education or vocational program. Eligible candidates must be Charlestown residents or players in our softball tournament. Children of softball tournament donors are also eligible to be entered in the drawing for the scholarships.
Students in private and/or Catholic schools are eligible for these awards as well as children paying tuition at other programs.
To apply for a scholarship, please write the student’s name, address, phone number, school, and grade on a 3×5 index card. Completed cards should be dropped off during our annual softball tournament at the Barry Playground, which will be held on September 6th from 9:30 am – 2pm. Only 3×5 index cards will be accepted. Winners will be chosen in a lottery and all scholarship awards will be given directly to the school that the winner is enrolled in. September 6th is the only day that the committee will accept names of candidates. Only one index card per child will be accepted. In addition, there will be a celebration after the tournament at the Knights of Columbus on Medford Street from 7:30 pm – 11:30 pm with DJ Dennis Taylor. All are welcome and admission price is $20 (softball participants admitted for free), attendees must be 21 years of age. All funds raised will go to support our scholarship program