-Special to the Patriot-Bridge
Warren-Prescott School teachers will be working with teachers in Ecuador this summer to help establish a sister school program in the country’s capital city, Quito.
“By establishing a long lasting relationship with another urban school in a different culture we hope to provide all our students with an understanding of diverse cultures, language and geography, “ explains Warren-Prescott School Principal Dr. Domenic Amara. “ It’s an opportunity for teachers, parents and students who are continents away from each other, to share their knowledge and ideas.”
The team is made of four teachers: MS Susan Pender, a grade 4 teacher, MS Allison Brucklier, a Kindergarten teacher; MS Andrea Higgins, a Physical Education Teacher; and, MS Tina Champagne, a Science Teacher. Also accompanying the group will be MS Patricia Simpson, an Emergency Preparedness Consultant who works closely with the school through the Massachusetts General Hospital Charlestown Clinic, and MS Madeline Valez a former Warren-Preschool instructor now doing music research in Puerto Rico.
“ We chose Quito, Ecuador because our principal sparked our interest about the possibility of volunteering at a school which he visited last summer that was also interested in having a sister school in the United States, “ said MS Pender. “ The school – Escuela Quintilianno Sanchez – wanted to explore ways to share the voices and ideas of staff and students of different cultures. They wanted to have native English speaking teachers teach their students in English through subject matter.”
The teachers will be working with the students for about two weeks, both in classrooms and in shared field experiences.
This is an opportunity for Warren-Prescott School teachers to share and improve our English as a Second Language teaching skills while learning about another land and its people, said Science Teacher Tina Champagne. “As teachers we will be learning first hand about the history and the natural environment of an area we know little about. When we return we will both have a better understanding of the challenges facing our ecosystems and work to make a difference.”
The project is supported by the Boston Plan for Excellence: Fund for Teachers, received logistical support and advice from David Santulli of the Boston based United Planet which organizes volunteers to other countries and Bethany Woods, the Teacher Development Coordinator for Boston Public Schools.