Special to the Patriot-Bridge
Each year on or around Feb. 22, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts all over the world celebrate World Thinking Day (WTD). It is a day when they think about their “sisters” in all the countries of the world, the meaning of Guiding and Scouting, and its global impact
Charlestown Girl Scout Troop 71320 held a World Thinking Day celebration on March 2 at the Boys & Girls Club. 13 Scouts of the Brownie, Junior and Cadette levels participated and created their own displays that included dressing like women of their selected countries, supplying food from their countries, games, Girl Scout information and informative information about the hardships that their selected countries face.
This Celebration was open to everyone to attend and visit each display. All of the Scouts of Troop 71320 attended along with members of the community. The guests were treated with food and great stories related to each country by each girl. An excellent addition to the visitors of the event were the club members from the pre-teen group that had such a good time they would like to join in this celebration next year.
Countries included in the event were Argentina by Maggie Gray, India by Madison Matarazzo, China by Chloe Cochener, Cameroon by Emily McCray, The Netherlands by Lucie King, Malaysia by Hailey McPherson, Switzerland by Lauren Barry, Bolivia by Shannon Rose, Egypt by Claire Lakus, Canada by Jolie Doherty, Russia by Alta Godfrey, Ireland by Michaela Morrissey and The Congo by Kate Churchill each were displayed and celebrated.