Special to the Patriot-Bridge
Altar Servers Caitlin Walsh (Hofstra University), Diana Kelly (PurdueUniversity) and Kieran Kelly (The Catholic University of America),of Charlestown, recently participated in the nationally televised Catholic TV Daily Mass. Presided over by Father Daniel Mahoney, pastor of St. Francis De Sales Parish, the Mass aired live at 9:30 a.m., and was rebroadcast the same night at 7 p.m. Mrs. Joan Rae, Pastoral Associate and Business Manager of the parish, served as lector and several members of the parish were in attendance.
Father Mahoney serves as the Boston Fire Department’s Chief Chaplain and during the prayers of the faithful, the congregation prayed for all firefighters – particularly those serving in Boston. In 1964, Father Mahoney began his association with the Boston Fire Department and became its Chief Chaplain in 1991. In his role, Father Mahoney has responded to hundreds of incidents and offered comfort to all firefighters and their families. During the Mass Father called upon the intercession of St. Florian, the patron saint of firefighters.
Also participating in another Catholic TV Daily Mass during the week were Father James Ronan, Pastor St. Mary-St. Catherine Church in Charlestown, and parishioners Nora Donahue and Judy Burton, who served as lector and altar server. Father Ronan celebrated the Mass for the Feast of the Holy Innocents, infant and toddler martyrs.
Father Robert Reed, a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston, is the director of The Catholic TV Network, which airs in Charleston on Comcast (channel 45) and streams live at www.CatholicTV.com. Founded over 50 years ago, Catholic TV broadcasts 24 hours a day and provides family-friendly, religious, news, and educational programming. The Daily Mass takes places in The Chapel of the Holy Cross, so named because the chapel has a small relic of Jesus’ cross. The Mass presided over by Father Mahoney and Father Ronan has been added to the archives and is available at www.CatholicTV.com/daily-mass.aspx.
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