News Demolished by Patriot-Bridge Staff • June 2, 2022 • 0 Comments The almost-200 year-old house at 8 Lawrence St. (shown above, before and after demolition) recently was demolished, raising concerns from many residents about possible demolition of similar homes of historic character. In June, 2021, the Boston Landmarks Commission (BLC) had approved a 90-day delay period on demolition that expired on September 22, 2021. Following the delay process, BLC undertook a designationreview process for the property. However, the commissioners, citing the already-lengthy delay of the designation process, asserted that they would be unable to forecast when the time frame to complete the landmark designation process would occur and “released the demolition process” on May 19. Many residents are calling upon state and city leaders to look into why the landmark designation process had failed at 8 Lawrence St.