A community meeting will be held on Oct 24 starting at 2 p.m. in the J.W. Conway-Bunker Hill Post 26, American Legion, 23 Adams St. for the purpose of discussing the Charlestown Heights Historic District Landmarks Study Commission. Community support is needed to start the process to have the Charlestown Heights recognized in time for the 250th Anniversary of the First Battle of the American Army in June 2025. The filings and paperworks need to be completed shortly.
In order to prepare and recognize this Historic 2025 Charlestown Community, the Charlestown Neighborhood Council (CNC) is seeking local resident participation to organize and establish a “Open Community” Historic Study Committee for all of Charlestown. The Community must work together, if the CNC will be able to form the Charlestown Heights Landmarks Commission to have the Heights designated as the First Historic Battlefield District of the US Army, in Massachusetts.
A brief history behind this project is as follows:
In 2016, the Residents of Charlestown, Boston Voted to become a Community Preservation Act (PCA) Community.
This past June 1, the Charlestown Neighborhood Council (CNC) voted to recognize all the remaining part of Charlestown, now part of the City of Boston, The Historic Charlestown Heights Battlefield Peninsula and Charlestown Neck, as a National Historic Battlefield District, under CPA.
All of Charlestown should be part of the Boston’s Community “Historic District” Recognition Process under CPA
In 1630, Charlestown was the First Town of Massachusetts Bay Colony. In 1775, Charlestown was a vast separate Town, situated across Middlesex County, First Battlefield of a New Nation. In 1975 Boston began recognition of numerous Historic Districts, throughout the City. In 2021, Charlestown is still unrecognized as an “Original” Historic Battlefield District, by the City of Boston. Currently 9 Historic Districts exist in Boston, but Charlestown is not recognized as part of a Boston Historic District process. Charlestown is an original Massachusetts Historic Town District, Charlestown is a former City and now Boston Community neighborhood. “Charlestown Heights” Battlefield is also a National Historic Resource with a significant National legacy, which include a number of outstanding Architectural Historic Districts, all without Historic Boston recognition by the City Agency Preservation process.
“Charlestown Heights” is the First Battlefield of the US Army, known by the First Markers and Monument, 1794.
All remaining Historic Charlestown Heights Battlefield, including Charlestown Neck at Sullivan Sq., was annexed by the City of Boston in 1874. All this Community, was part of the Original Battlefield of June 17th, 1775. The “Charlestown Heights” peninsula was taken by British Forces and Held, by Force of Arms, until The British Evacuated Boston in March 1776. This Historic Battlefield District is currently recognized by official Maps in the Library of Congress, dated June, 1775 by the British Army as a National Historic Battlefield. The US Army was authorized June 14th, 1775. First Battle was June 17th, 1775.
Community members must work together, to form the “CHLC” “Charlestown Heights” Landmarks Commission, as the First Historic Battlefield District of the US Army, in Massachusetts
“Charlestown Heights” is the First Battlefield of the US Army.
On June 14, 1775, the United NE Continental Army, now the US Army was authorized by the Continental Congress. On June 16, the First Army Corps of Engineers began work across “Charlestown Heights” peninsula to fortify against British Occupation by Military Force. On June 17, 1775, the First United New England Continental Army Militia, engaged Superior British Forces across all “Charlestown Heights”. The Historic remains of all “Charlestown Heights” Battlefield, is an original Historic Military District, the First US Army Command, Authorized by the Massachusetts Provincial Congress Militia, under Genera Warren.
The Peninsula of “Charlestown Heights” at the Neck, represents the First Official Battlefield of the American Revolution.
On June 17, 2025, the residents of Massachusetts, will Celebrate the 250th Anniversary of the First Battle of the American Army, established June 14, 1775 under the Continental Service, now US Army, here at “Charlestown Heights”. Join the residents of “Charlestown Heights and officials of the Charlestown Neighborhood Council as we plan to celebrate the Historic Foundation of our Nation here on foothills of “Charlestown Heights” and recognize the Community of “Charlestown Heights” under the CPA-Community Preservation Act Trust Fund Planning and Preservation Process.