Traffic Configuration to Change on Alford Street Bridge

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has announced that over the next two weeks, crews will be shifting traffic on the Alford Street Bridge in Charlestown so that all motor vehicles will be traveling on the west span of the bridge.

Motor vehicles will continue to have access to one lane of travel in each direction, and this configuration will remain in place around the clock through April 30, 2019. These travel impacts are necessary to allow crews to safely and effectively conduct bridge deck replacement operations.

The Alford Street Bridge is a City of Boston owned structure that carries traffic on Route 99 over the Mystic River. Bridge deck replacement operations began on Oct. 1, and are continuing through April 30, 2019. This time frame was selected with input from key stakeholders, including the United States Coast Guard. The Mystic River channel must be closed to marine traffic during construction operations, and marine traffic volumes are lowest during this period.

Those traveling through the area should reduce speed and use caution. The schedule for this work is weather dependent and subject to change without notice.


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