Dear Editor:
I am writing regarding a front-page article on flooding in Charlestown and, more specifically, the flooding that occurred at the Schrafft’s building parking lot.
It goes without saying that this particular storm was historic in proportions, and for the safety of all, let’s hope it can be classified as a 100-year event! That aside, be assured we are taking precautions to prevent this occurrence from happening again. Let me explain:
In the spring and summer of 2017, we participated in a resiliency study with the City of Boston, Office of Environment, Energy and Open Space. This was the first step of many to solve the flooding issue that plagues North Charlestown. We continue to work with the City to come up with a long-term solution.
For the flooding that occurred in the Schrafft’s parking lot – this was a first-time event where the seawater actually came back through a City storm water discharge pipe that runs through the Schrafft’s parking lot, flooding it. The water did not rise above the seawall. In fact, there were cars parked closest to the seawall that were not flooded. The Schrafft’s property management team worked arduously and quickly to notify tenants of the flooding. We are happy to say that the vast majority of cars belonging to tenants were moved. I wish I could say that there were none that experienced flooding but that is not the case.
Going forward, The Flatley Company will be developing a resiliency program that protects the Schrafft City Center and the north side of Charlestown, as it is only a matter of time before flooding happens outside our parking lot. The Flatley Company has been an integral part of Charlestown for over 40 years and the community is very important to us. I truly feel by all of us working together, we can solve the rising sea level that this area is facing.
John J. Roche