Boston Bruins’ famous National Anthem singer, Rene Rancourt, has spent 41 years singing before Bruins contests, and last Thursday, Jan. 11, he spent an afternoon at the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home singing and entertaining residents
and staff. The time was put together by the Chelsea District Court staff, primarily Charlestown’s Carolyn Wrenn Shannon (far left). Shannon is pictured here with Rancourt and the rest of the Chelsea Court staff, including (L-R) Judy Lyons, Heidy Rivas, Carmen Gomez, Michele Lupis Janelle O’Brien and Shannon.Rancourt said the Bruins were going to let him sing ‘O Canada’ in French this week for the first time.“The Bruins have never let me do it in French before. Maybe that’s because I don’t know how to sing it in French,” he joked.