By Sal Giarratani
The May 1 proposed meeting between Charlestown residents and Joe Corcoran is quickly approaching and many in the Town anticipate that this meeting will be well attended by both supporters and opponents of the proposed development of the old Bunker Hill projects. I am hoping that everyone comes to this meeting to listen to the developer who really is coming to hear from everyone.
I had a good discussion recently with Jen Corcoran about what her dad is looking to do. I learned some new things and passed on my ideas too. I hope to meet with Samuel Mintz too by the time you are reading this column. The alternative plan I heard down at the Knights recently had some good ideas in it and some ideas not that good.
Often in Charlestown over the decades yelling has replaced good discussions. Townies often end up pitted against each other when they should be working together. That scenario took place during the busing era and sometimes it is difficult to break old ways.
No one disagrees that the old project needs to go but how to do that and keep everyone happy is easier said than done. We don’t need to take sides, project versus everyone else. There should be one side which is creating something down there that will help project residents and the entire Charlestown community too. There should be One Charlestown. Pitting forces against each other doesn’t help anyone.
As I said keep May 1 open on your calendar.
As a history major in college, I love Patriots’ Day because that is the date the American Revolution began. Funny how Paul Revere became such a big hero thanks to a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Poor Paul didn’t even get to the end of the ride in Lexington.
However, his ride still symbolizes the Spirit of America in its fight for liberty against British tyranny. Too many Americans don’t know enough about their own history and how America came into being. They don’t know the importance of our Constitution or its Bill of Rights.
I was glad to see so many young families with children down at City Square on Patriots Day awaiting Paul Revere arriving from the North End on his historic ride.
Especially for Charlestown where America fought the British in the Battle of Bunker Hill on June 17, 1775, it is important to never forget our roots. America has fought many battles since but I believe America’s soil is rooted here in Town.
Tom Coots (as Deacon John Larkin) is shown here giving Paul Revere directions to Arlington from City Square
Rep. Danny Ryan with daughters Ella and Audrey (l to r)
Paul Revere’s BFF, Dan Kovarcevic, Annette Tecce, Nancy Kueny and Dave Donovan ( l to r)
For a community that once hosted those «Loopers,” I now present a new photo segment here called CHARLESTOWN CAR CLASSICS. The first car classic this week is a 1973 Ford Gran Torino.
Most baby boomers think of it as the Starsky and Hutch car. I loved this car but the closest I got to it was my old 1997 Mercury Grand Marquis. Not even close.
Looking under the hood of a ‘73 Gran Torino