Parking at Edwards School lot
Dear Editor,
I have been a resident of Charlestown for about seven years, and have resided across from the Edwards Middle School for the last five. During this time, I and many of my fellow residents have utilized the school parking lot adjacent Main Street. Signs posted around the lot indicate that use by residents is impermissible during school days between 6 AM and 6 PM. This schedule has never to my knowledge been strictly observed and enforced until last week, when scores of vehicles, including my own, were towed off to East Boston immediately after 6 AM. If there is a problem with use of the lot and strict enforcement was to be suddenly implemented after years of non-enforcement, some minimal warning could have been provided, rather the significant and avoidable inconvenience and monetary loss it inflicted to many of the school’s neighbors and funders. For the public school admininstrators seeking the voters’ support against the expansion and funding of charter schools, this was an odd time to demonstrate, in my view, rather unkind and sever conduct I would hope isn’t being instilled in their students.
Matthew Flinders