By Seth Daniel
The Old Charlestown Schoolboys Association delivered 17 scholarships on Monday night, May 9, to students in the Town.
The annual Scholarship night precedes the larger Old Charlestown Schoolboys Association Annual Reunion, which will take place on Sunday, May 16, at the Knights of Columbus. That event is one of the largest events of the year for the Schoolboys and this year will be the 103rd anniversary of the event. To purchase tickets for that event, call President Moe Gillen at (617) 242-3746.
Meanwhile, President Gillen said they were extremely pleased with the outcome of the scholarship awards on Monday.
“This is a major event and we give away a lot of scholarships to young people in the Town,” he said. “This is a very important service for us and we really want to continue helping the young people here to continue their studies.”
The Scholarship winners include:
•Jonathan Greatorex Scholarship – Peter M. O’Donnell (Centre College)
•Palledoes Athletic/William Powers Scholarship – Philip Kelly (BHCC)
•Ralph Brown Memorial – Brendan Collier (Northeastern)
•Bertha Brown Memorial – Dylan A. Murphy (St. Joseph College)
•Francis and John McGee Scholarship – Edward Evers (Boston Latin)
•Robert, Ralph and James Smith Scholarship – Solomon F. Taieb (Boston Latin)
•Firefighter Patrick Kelley Scholarship – Christopher Page (Stonehill College)
•Mark Bavis Scholarship – Aaron D. Titcomb (Merrimack College)
•John B. O’Reilly Scholarship – Hugh B. O’Donnell (Malden Catholic)
•Joseph and Mary Nelson Gill Scholarship – Ronan Carrier (Malden Catholic)
•First Friday/Pat Doherty Scholarship – Arthur J. Murphy (Iona College)
•Majestic Knights Scholarship – Guan Xing Chen (Latin Academy)
•James Cushman Scholarship – Augustas Viveiros (Boston Latin)
•Father Robert Smith Scholarship – Conal Lynch (Tufts University)

The recipients of this year’s 17 scholarships given out to students in the town by the Old Charlestown Schoolboys Association.
•Philip X. Carr Scholarship – Brian D. Askew (Charlestown High)
•John H. “Jackie” Sawyer Scholarship – Myer Segal (Sacred Heart University)
•Robert Hardy Scholarship – Shi Wu (Latin Academy)