Why was street cleaning stopped?
To the Editor:
I, as much as anyone, can appreciate Department of Public Works employees’ desire to take off early on the day before Thanksgiving. It makes holiday travel “over the river and through the woods” so much more convenient—particularly if snow is predicted.
However, for those of us in Charlestown whose streets are cleaned on Wednesday afternoons, the decision of the DPW Commissioner to cancel street sweeping at noon on November 26 meant that for the second year in a row, we didn’t get our streets cleaned on the last day of the sweeping season. (This despite the fact that there was NO snow fall in Charlestown all afternoon.) So, the tons of leaves that have accumulated in the gutters will remain all winter, hampering efforts to remove snow around our cars.
In the spirit of the season, let me say to the DPW, I’m thankful for your faithful street cleaning work throughout the year. And I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
(Maybe you’d like to help shovel out cars over the next few months?)
Ellen Pfeifer